Weight | 0.45 kg |
Collection | Home Line |
Material | "Bronze" |
Manufacturing | 100% ITALIA |
Warranty | 24 month warranty applicable only to the integrity of the die |
Value Pack
Choose the right ring for your machine and purchase this fantastic kit at a truly exceptional price.
You will receive the selected Reduction Ring plus two dies of your choice from the available list.
Remember to select only one ring and two dies.
NOTE: The starting price refers to the Reduction Ring on offer when purchased together with TWO dies.
€16.39 €16.31
€16.39 €16.31
Value Pack
Choose the right ring for your machine and purchase this fantastic kit at a truly exceptional price.
You will receive the selected Reduction Ring plus two dies of your choice from the available list.
Remember to select only one ring and two dies.
NOTE: The starting price refers to the Reduction Ring on offer when purchased together with TWO dies.
Weight | 0.45 kg |
Collection | Home Line |
Material | "Bronze" |
Manufacturing | 100% ITALIA |
Warranty | 24 month warranty applicable only to the integrity of the die |
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