We are approaching a week full of anniversaries: this year there will be a super combo on the same day: we will celebrate CAPO12’s birthday and Easter! From Saturday 23rd to Saturday 30th March inclusive,…
Father’s Day is approaching, and to make it even more magical here is a sweet thought: From Saturday 16th to Tuesday 19th March,✨ immediately for you an immediate 10% DISCOUNT with no minimum order…
WelcomeProfessional –12% We offer our customers of the Professional line a 12% discount, with a minimum purchase of 120 euros for orders of Professional dies, to be used on our eShop www.capo12.com The discount cannot…
WELCOME – 15% To all new subscribers to CAPO12 official Facebook page and to the Pasta & imPasti by CAPO12 group we offer a 15% discount, with a minimum charge of 60 Euro (for single…
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